Distance Learning: Understanding and Engaging the Dichotomous Mind: Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
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3-Hour Training Online ($175)
Applies to certification– Certified Trauma Integration Clinician Stream
Lori Gill, Founder and Lead Therapist at the Attachment and Trauma Treatment Centre for Healing,
Psychotherapist, Certified Trauma Specialist (CTS), Trainer, and Consultant Supervisor
3 hour Training
- This workshop will identify warning signs and high risk factors leading to non-fatal and fatal suicides including characteristics that contribute to risk, recognizing invitations, specific interventions strategies and skills including legal responsibilities, and assessment of risk and what is necessary to help prevent contagion following a fatal suicide. Revised interventions and treatment information that is directly applicable to a broad array of helping professionals and target populations (children to seniors). The impact of client suicide on staff as well as tips to prevent compassion fatigue will also be explored. Interventions for specialized fields (schools, hospitals, child welfare, community agencies) focusing on prevention, intervention, and treatment will also be provided.
*Please note that online registrations include an additional fee to cover associated fees for using these products. You can make an transfer through online banking at no extra cost.