Working with Internet Child Exploitation: Unique Issues and Effective Treatment Interventions
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3-Hour Training
Applies to certification – All certification levels
This workshop will provide insight into the the unique impacts of internet child exploitation. Learn what it is, how to increase education and prevention in your area, and how to work with those impacted by it. Assessment, effective treatment strategies, and support for families will be included in this training. Cases for this workshop will be child specific.
*Please note that online registrations include an additional fee to cover associated fees for using these products. You can make an transfer through online banking at no extra cost.
Applies to certification – All certification levels
This workshop will provide insight into the the unique impacts of internet child exploitation. Learn what it is, how to increase education and prevention in your area, and how to work with those impacted by it. Assessment, effective treatment strategies, and support for families will be included in this training. Cases for this workshop will be child specific.
*Please note that online registrations include an additional fee to cover associated fees for using these products. You can make an transfer through online banking at no extra cost.